Mishak Wylie and the Baron
Us | |
Ian M Spanque | One of my alter egos. |
Justin A. Crahnk | Ian M. Spanque's assistant. |
Them | |
Malike Bamiyi | Supposedly the son of a Nigerian dignitary. |
This one went on longer than I intended.
From: Malike Bamiyi
Subject: HOW ARE YOU
Dear Friend,
I am a Solicitor resident and practicing in the United Kingdom(UK) and I am using this correspondence to urgently seek and request your assistance and cooperation in a sensitive but highly beneficial financial arrangement. An important client of mine whose details and person I cannot release at this point has implored me to contact a reliable and trustworthy partner overseas to urgently receive and handle funds total FIFTEEN MILLION US DOLLARS(US$15.M)in CASH presently in a consignment,lodged in a security/finance outfit overseas...
...best regards,
Barrister Mishak Wylie (LLB).
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Barrister,
Now we have the banter out the way, we can talk business. I am very interested in taking part in this opportunity. I have one problem though. I used to know a solicitor from Wolverhampton. Nice car, nice house, nice wife. It turned out he was a swinger. You're not a swinger are you? Because I would have a problem with that.
Apart from that, could you please supply me with more details about the deal, as well as full identification of yourself. Unfortunately at the moment I am very busy travelling on business. What details do you need? Perhaps we can sort this out quickly.
Best Wishes,
Ian M. Spanque
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn Ian M. Spanque,
Thank you very much for your response to my letter. I have discuss your response with my client, With the firm belief that I can count on your total support and confidentiality, I would proceed without any reservation to bring you into the complete picture of this pending project. Before doing this, I would like to reiterate the importance of confidentiality in this transaction...
Barrister Mishak Wylie (LLB).
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Barry,
I wish to clarify my statement about swingers. I personally have nothing against them. I just wanted to make that clear. And don't think I'm frigid because of that, because I'm not, let me tell you.
I am still quite prepared to go ahead with this procedure, but as I said, I am travelling at the moment so it might make it slightly difficult. I still require identification of yourself and full documentation of the transaction. Please take care of this matter. As for my identification, I will try to cooperate, although I do not have all my documents with me at this time. I will have to go through the proper procedures to obtain them.
You did not answer my previous question. Are you a swinger? This is important to me. I know many solicitors are.
Ian Spanque
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Barry,
Please, I am very confused as to why you have not replied to me. I am beginning to wonder whether you are taking this business seriously.
Yours Expectantly,
Ian Spanque
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn Ian Spanque,
Top of the day and thanks for your mail,iam resending this mail again as i replied you before not knowing you did`nt recieve it.
Firstly i must let you know that iam not in anyway a swinger as you mentioned,and i promise you that as we progresses with this transaction you will be able to notice the full authenticity of this transaction.
As i earlier stated in the detailed mail i sent to you,this transaction has it`s own ethics and therefore must be followed acordinling.
I will need some information about you (i.e your full names and contact address) in other for me to be able to procure some vital documents that will be backing your claims as the beneficiary of the consignment on reaching the finacial firm in amsterdam.
If i may ask how soon will it be possible for you to travell to amsterdam to clear the consignment,this is very important because the more the consignment remains in the finacial firm`s custody,the more Demmurage it will attract,to this regards we are supposed to conclude this transaction in the shortest posible time.
I expected you send to me a detailed business venture proposals my client will be going into in your country as this is the major goal of this transction.
As soon as you let me know your readiness to assist my client conclude this transaction i will not hesitate to funish you all with all the necesary information you will need to facilitate the process of a successfull completion of this transaction.
Wishing you a nice business trip.
Mishak Wylie
He seems to become obsessed with this idea of the transaction having its' own ethics and uses that sentence to deflect anything he doesn't want to answer. Maybe it's some sort of scammers ethic I don't understand. But I'll give him ID if that's all he wants.
From: Ian M Spanque
Dearest Barry,
I have received your mails now. There must have been a hiccup in the internet somewhere. That's technology for you. I hear a few days ago someone cut one of the lines and loads of emails came spilling out getting lost. Possibly yours was among them. They might turn up in the lost property department. Please check with them, you can fax them at +nn nnn nnnn nnnn.
Back to business, I wish to make it clear that I am not some sort of pervert. I realise that my statement about "Don't think I'm frigid, because I'm not." may have been interepreted that way.
Travel is cauing me a few problems at the moment, and I am wondering whether it would be possible to make the meeting somewhere other than Amsterdam. That way I could combine it with one of my other business trips.
You said you wanted my identification. This was the best I could get my hands on at the time. I hope it suffices. (attached)
Best Wishes,
Ian M. Spanque
ps- The swingers I met before WERE perverts. I can be sure of that.
The fax number I gave him is the number for London Underground lost property department. Of course, I didn't actually attach an ID. That would be too straightforward.
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn Ian Spanque,
Top of the day and thanks for your mail.
As i have previously told you ,this funds in question was deposited by my client in a security firm in amsterdam as consignment,since you are saying it would not be convinient for you to travell to amsterdam as at the moment,i will have to make enquiry with the security firm ,if they have representatives in another part of the world because i do not have any idea about that.i know if they have this will cost us,considering moving the consignment from one location to another.
Notwithstanding i will make my enquiries and keep you updated as soon as possible.
I was unable to access the attachment you sent,as it came out blank.Do endeavour to send it again.
I await your response.
Mishak Wylie
From: Ian M Spanque
My dear Barney,
I am so sorry you could not read my document. I shall attempt to send it again, please update me on this situation. Did you manage to contact the lost property department about our missing emails? Their fax number again is +nn nnn nnnn nnnn. They may also have the ID that I sent.
All this aside, I still require your identification. And good documentation along with proof of your sincerity. These are necessary for our business relationship to continue. Just a standard procedure you understand. I trust you fully.
It's not so much the fact that the people I met were perverts that rubbed me up the wrong way, it was more the way that they tried to entice me into their situation. Now, I don't really mind perverts as long as they keep it to themselves, but as soon as they try and force it upon unwilling participants it crosses the line of decency. Not that I was completely unwilling you understand, I am only human, and we had all had a few drinks that night. Fortunately I came to my senses before anything happened. It was at that point I realised what their huge collection of paperweights was for. Have you been in any situations like this? I would be grateful for your advice.
Do you have a DDID for this transaction? My business trip may be coming to an end soon, so I would like all the formalities tied up.
Best wishes.
Ian M. Spanque
This time I decided to send him a corrupt attachment supposedly containing my ID.
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn ispanque,
Top of the day and sory for not keeping updated on time as i had a very tight schedule today.
I have discused with the security firm , they made me to understand that they also have a representative in SPAIN (madrid).
I do not know how convinient this will be for you,it would have been better if not for your business schedule to travell to holland as this will reduce our cost of moving the consignment from one place to the other.
I want you to sent me a mail and let me know your opinion about this development.
Moreso the attachment you sent to me was not clear as i was unable to read the content,endeavour to send me your contact telephone number,this is very important.
I await your response.
mishak wylie
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Barney,
It would seem that my attachment would not go throught again. For that I am deeply sorry.
I will instruct my assistant, Justin Crahnk, to send you the identification from his account. Please do not reply to him, I do not wish to get him involved in this transaction too much.
Keep in mind that this was simply the only identification I could find at the time.
Ian Spanque
ps- please remember to address my concerns from my previous correspondence.
Introducing this guy just to mix things up a bit.
Just a little bit of Sodipodi and Gimp work.
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn ispanque,
Top of the mail amd thanks for your mail.I reciveed the identity from our assistant,it was a membership card of a club.
As i have previously stated in my mail,i will need some of your information to procure all the necessary documents that will be backnig your claims as the beneficiary of the consignment,and till this moment you have not sent them across to me.
I will need your full names and contact address,contact telephone numbers .
As soon as i have all this ,i can assure you of all the necessay documents to prove my sincerelity as regards this transaction.
If i may ask what kind of transaction did you encounter before?
All the modalities of this transaction have already been put in place,and as soon as you indicate your readiness to meet with the security firm,i will furnish you with their contact information,so as to enable you open up discussion with them and probably schedule a date of meeting with them.
I must let you understand that this transaction is a matter of opinion,and i wish to be very sincere with you as far as this transaction is concerned.
Please in your next mail ,i would want to know your schedule towards concluding this transction in the shortest possible time.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Mishak wylie
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Steve,
I hope to be completing this transaction as soon as possible. What's more, I would be happy to provide you with my contact details. It would probably be best for you to call my office in the states: nn nn nn nn nn. We need to talk in person.
My official address is:
Baron Ian M. Spanque
83 Rimming End,
Now I need you to provide me with identification and documentation. I cannot progress without it.
Now, when I said in my last message that I do not mind perverts if they keep their dirty ways to themselves, I feel I must level with you that I have been guilty of this myself in the past. I am not proud of it, but you only have to look in the papers and find the events of July 18th 1995 in Gulliville town hall to find out what I am talking about. I hope this does not lower your opinions of me. What is your opinion of perverts?
Best Wishes,
Ian M. Spanque
ps- I do not consider myself a pervert.
That phone number is a web based voicemail account. But more importantly, have I gone too far? Was the 'Gulliville' bit too obvious?
Obviously not, because lo and behold I got a call. Poor Mishak obviously couldn't get the hang of the voicemail system and just ended up leaving noise.
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn ispanque,
Top of the day, and sorry i did not reply your mail on time this was due to my tight schedule as i will leaving the U.K tommorrow morning to Nigeria to meet with my client.
Actually i think i should at this time disclose my clients identity to you,she is one wives of the former president of liberia presently on a politacal asylum in Nigeria as a result of the polital war, her names are SUSAN TAYLOR.I will be staying in nigeria from some time, as i have other pending transactions to accomplish as her personal attorney .Moreso i will have to retrieve some vital documents from her regarding our pending transaction and also to endorse some documents of claims.
Iam a liberian by birth,and i also left liberia during the war to the U.k,a couple of months ago.
As soon as i get to Nigeria by tommorrow i will let you know about this,and other relevant information you requrie from me i will furnish you immediately in other for us to move to the next step of action.
I tired to call you this evening my time,but your phone was placed on answering machine.
I have noticed one thing about the mail you send to me,you always address my mails with different names,point of correction my names are MISHAK WYLIE.
Please the issue of (perverts) should be set aside ,as i have eailier mentioned before this transaction is fully based on trust and opinion and it depends on personal intrest,i think we should be more focussed on the pending transaction in question.
sorry i have to say this,because i believe we are digressing from the main aim of this entire transaction by dicussing all the time something that is not related to transaction,i sincerely hope you will see reasons with me.
I will try and call you again.
Mishak wylie
Is this what an angry Mishak looks like? Because if so, I want to see more of it. And I have a feeling we will.
Later I received another phone call from him, but this time we have success! A full message from our friend. Let me transcribe it here (the bits I understand at least):
"This is barrister Mishak Wylie, I try to speak to doctor err... baron amp(?). It's the second time I'm calling you. Something something something something something. Bye-bye."
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Willy,
The reason I bring up the subject of (perverts) as you call them is that I do not know where else to turn but you. It is not the sort of thing I can talk about to the people I know. It is frowned upon in our society. I must say I am disappointed in this. I confide in you about my personal matters only to be ignored and repremanded for doing so. I went out on a limb to talk to you about your opinion of (perverts) and you thow it back in my face.
I shall ignore this ill conduct for business purposes, but just to get the transaction completed. It still stands that I do not have full identification of yourself. I do not think you understand how important this is. I need your full genuine identification including photograph, otherwise the business cannot commence. You have failed in supplying me with this information several times now.
I apologise for the fact that you had trouble getting through to my office, my secretary must have stepped out for a while and not been able to answer the telephone. Please try again, if you are not successful we may have to devise other means of telephone contact. If it is of any consolation, I did get the message you left, and may I remind you from them that I am not a doctor, and my name is Ian Spanque. What you said on the message was very garbled and difficult to identify, I am lucky I got the message at all.
Please remember to supply me with identification.
Hugs and Kisses,
Ian M Spanque
ps- I have a feeling that the reason my secretary was out of the office is because she is a swinger (getting up to things). I'm not saying she definitely is: I just have my suspicions. If you get on the phone with her, you'll know it's a subject not to be mentioned, between you and me. Just thought I had to warn you of that.
Once again I receive a call from Mishak. I don't think the phone line condition in Nigera can be all that great. Again, I'll do my best to transcribe it here:
"Hello, this is Mishak Wylie, I just arrive Nigeria this evening. Uh, try to call you, something something on answering machine."
But oh no, there's more. Mishak decides to repeat most of his message for some reason. And I'm sure it isn't a voicemail hiccup repeating bits of the same message, because he puts slightly different inflexions on the words each time.
"...Hello. This is Mishak Wylie, uh something something something something. I just arrive Nigeria seven thirty this evening. Something something call you. Please something something something something a phone number. Or a mobile number. Something how we can get in touch. Thank you."
This guy seems pretty keen on the phone, but I'm going to have to try and discourage doing business over the phone for obvious reasons.
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Willy,
It has been five days since my last message to you, and you still have not supplied me with your identification. Please correct this.
Yours Sincerely,
Ian M. Spanque
ps- My secretaty is off 'ill' at the moment (between you and me I think she's up to her swinging tricks), hence you may have trouble getting through to anyone in the office.
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn spanque,
Top of the day and sorry for not responding to your mail,this was propmt by my travelling to a country side in Nigeria to meet with my client,and i did not have access to any computer.
The issue of identification should not pose any problem to you ,as i will be to sending it along with all other documents to you, which i have already secured from my client , to a contact address you will need to furnish me as soon as possible via a priority courier,as they are clasified documents which have to be insured,because losing those documents is as good as losing all the money.
Moreso you will be responsible for the courrier charges of US$ 680 (six hundred and eighty america dollars),as a matter of urgency endeavour to send the money through western union money transfer with the folowing information
Address:Plot 234 Adeola adeku Cresent ikoyi Lagos Nigeria.
I never intended to disturb you with this,as my client is in a serious bad health condition and i do not have much on me to pay this,as i have spent the little i had to take care of my clients hospital bills.
As soon as you able to send this,send me the transaction information immediately ,which i will furnish to the agent of the courrier company which you will be sending the money through his names , and the documents will be moved to your designated addrsess furnished.
I also want you as a matter of urgency to send me your mobile number if you have one,because i really have to discuss with you.
As soon as the the documents are moved ,i will be sending you the air way bill number,as this will enable you track the parcel.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Mishak Wylie
Herre come the 'courrier' charges. I was wondering when we were going to get to something like this.
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Willy,
First of all, I already sent you my address if you weren't aware of that. Check back in your records, you will find it. Second of all I will not be able to take delivery of any physical documents due to the fact that I am travelling. The only method of contact I have is email, so I require you to send me these items electronically. This is not negotiable, it is a necessity.
What's more I am not sending you any money until I have received your identification in an email. This is highly irregular. It may pass acceptible business practice where you are from, but it is not done here.
I expect to see your identification in the next email. Now I must go, I think there are some perverts at the door.
Yours Lovingly,
Ian M. Spanque
ps- I wish to make it clear that I did not invite the perverts here. This isn't some sort of dirty meetup, they are most unwelcome.
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn spanque,
Top of the day and thanks for your mail. I have your contact address,i just wanted you to reconfirm it. I will be sending you my identification tommorow that is no problem ,but i cannot send the documents by mail,as they are classified documents.If i may ask is it because of the migre fee you are insisting i should send it through mail? where really are you now,because iam so confused ,the number you gave to me is always placed on answering machine,with no one in the office.
Please i will need some clarification.
Mishak wylie
It would seem that Mishak is getting a little confused. That's the last thing we want, really. He was a bit skittish to begin with.
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Barnacle Barry,
It is difficult for me to tell you where I am all the time, because usually by the time you have read a message I will already be in another country. At the moment I am in Istanbul looking to do a deal on some saucy rugs.
If you are unable to supply me with the 'confidential' identification over email, then I will require you to send me some other form of less 'confidential' identification over email. I was able to send you my identification over email, so is it too much for you to do the same? I require a photograph at least. Do I not deserve that much?
Lots of Love,
Ian M. Spanque
ps- What exactly does 'Top of the day' mean? You seem to begin every message with it. I honestly don't know what you're on about. Please explain.
From: Malike Bamiyi
Dear spanque,
This is my attach photograph of me and my family. As regard in your pervius mail, top of the day to the contest of my mail means greeting i.s good day is a simple language normally used by me to open up a letter, i think you are clarified.

Oh please. The first one isn't too bad, probably passable, but the second one is obviously taken from any old magazine. In the high resolution version (which I haven't included here) you can even see the inteference patterns between the dot pitch of the magazine and the scanner. Needless to say, Ian Spanque isn't impressed.
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Rodney,
I am clarified? I was not made aware of this. Please in future will you inform me before I am about to become clarified.
I am afraid that your photograph(s) will not suffice. You see, I am not stupid, for all I know those could have come straight out of a magazine. Better photographs are needed, and to prove that they are really you, you must be holding up a sign of my specification in the photograph. However, I have an idea which would kill two birds with one stone for me. I would like to use your photo for my small company's internal magazine/newsletter (don't worry, it's only circulated to around 20 people), and I think it would be interesting if I could use your photo as the title of the magazine. I call the magazine the 'ISPANQUE DAILY'.
So if you were to take a photograph of yourself holding up a sign saying 'ISPANQUE DAILY' I could use it as the title for my newsletter and at the same time it would prove that you are who you say you are and that the photo is genuine.
Cheerio for now,
Ian M. Spanque
ps- I noticed that you spelt 'previous' as 'pervius' in your mail. Is this a subtle way of telling me you think I am a (pervert)? Because I'm not, and if you think otherwise I reckon you should just come out and say it.
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn Spanque,
Top of the day as i just read you mail,actually those wrong spellings were due to typographical error,because iam not very good on the key board.
Nothwistanding,iam was embarassed and disappionted when i read this paragraph in the mail you sent to me ''I am afraid that your photograph(s) will not suffice. You see, I am not stupid, for all I know those could have come straight out of a magazine''. I can`t for any reason stoop so low to do what you are thinking i did,let me at this point let you know that this transaction is based on trust ,and if for any reason you feel you cannot assist my client,you should endeavour to let me know as soon as possible,as it is a matter of interest.You can go ahead and put it in your magazines,but make sure you do not expose my client,as it my obligation to protect her interest any time any day.
Please iam not forcing you in any way to assist my client,if you feel you can still assist ,please let go straight to have the transaction concluded once and for all.
We have insulted the ethics of a fraudster.
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Jimmy,
I did not mean that as an insult, as of course I personally trust you fully. However, you must understand that I require these things for my own records and accountability. I am afraid that this matter is not up to me, and must be performed for our transaction to complete. I can not dispatch $600 officially without this, so it is really up to you. I require a photograph of you holding up a sign saying 'ISPANQUE DAILY' (the name of our newsletter) as official proof.
Please update me on the situation.
Lots of love,
Ian M. Spanque
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn Spanque,
Thanks for mail,you can go ahead and use my photograph for your newsletter,i have no objection to that,this can serve as oficial proof.
I await your response.
Mishak wylie
I don't think he quite gets it.
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Jackie,
I don't think you quite understand what I had in mind. I want you to hold up a sign saying the name of the newsletter and have a photo taken while doing it. This would also prove that you really are the person in the pictures.
I would like you to supply me with a photo of yourself holding up a sign which says 'ISPANQUE DAILY'. Think you can take care of that? It's not too much to ask, is it now?
This is absolutely necessary for the transaction to commence.
Hugs and Kisses,
Ian M. Spanque
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn spanque,
Sorry for the late response,i must let you know that i still do not understand what you want me to do,I think i will be sending you the best form of identification which is a data page of my international passport.
sannii Aruna
Hang on here, something's not right. Who is 'sannii Aruna', and why is he signing Mishak's emails? Methinks our friend has got his identities mixed up.
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Timothy,
I am very confused, you signed your last message 'sannii Aruna'. I was under the impression that your name was misherk willy. Why have you done this?
It would seem your ineptitude at typing your name is equalled by your lack of understanding of the request. I want you to hold up a sign saying 'ISPANQUE DAILY' in a photograph, and then send this photograph to me. So what I will end up with is a photo of you holding up a sign which says 'ISPANQUE DAILY'. I can then use this photograph in my newsletter. (the newsletter is called the 'ISPANQUE DAILY')
I can not put it much simpler than this. Please, what with your earlier misnomer and now your incompetence, my trust in you is beginning to decline.
Lots and lots of hugs,
Ian M. Spanque
Keeping a low profile will not help him when he's dealing with Ian Spanque.
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Danny,
It has been many days now since our last correspondence. What is going on? You have not supplied me with my required photograph, and my patience is certainly being tried by your nomenclative boobery.
Lots of Love,
Ian M. Spanque
From: Ian M Spanque
Mr. Wylie,
May I remind you that I have significantly gone out of my way in order to make this business possible? It is most improper that you not reply to my messages. If you wish to continue with this operation and for me to give you the materials required for you to send me your identification, we need to continue to cooperate.
Hoping to hear from you soon,
Baron Ian Spanque
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn spanque,
Top of the day and sorry for not replying your mail on time,if you can recall to the last mail i sent to you i told you that i will be on vacation to meet with my immediate family.i was not able to access the net in the place i was,iam really sorry about this.
As i earlier told you,i do not know the kind of photograph you wants me to send to you, moreso i told you that the necessary documents to back your claims as the beneficiary of the funds are ready.I feel the problem lies on the migre money you were supposed to send for the courier is what is bringing up all these unnessary arguments. As you would know this project is capital intensive as much have been spent to put this transaction to this level.
Please i do not know what you wants me to do,and i sincerely believe that inother for us to progress with this transaction we will need to cooperate and have the same focus.
Hope to hear from you soon
Mishak wylie
From: Ian M Spanque
I need you to take a photo of yourself holding up a sign saying 'ISPANQUE DAILY'.
That is all. This is very important to me, and I am becoming frustrated with your constant delaying tactics in getting me the image. You did not tell me you were going on holiday at all: is this code for something I don't know about? Because I'm not a pervert if that's what you're thinking!
You ask whether funds on my end are the problem. I want to make it clear that this is not the case. I have ample financial reserve and am rather insulted that you suggest otherwise.
Best Wishes,
Ian M. Spanque
ps- You have not explained why you replied to the previous message as 'sannii Aruna'. I am still confused. Is this a codename or something?
From: Malike Bamiyi
Attn spanque,
Top of day, i must let you know that iam sick and tired of your consistence embarassmaent in your mails ,you must understand that this transaction has it`s own ethics and must be followed accordinling.
I would advice you decline if you deem it fit for you at this stage, as you are given conditions which are not necessary and reasonable .I appreciate your willingness to assist ,but this should not make you always address me as a stupid man.
You asked for a photograph ,i sent it accross to you,only for you to tell me that i forged the photograph,that i should send a photograph holding whatever you call it,my friend i cannot do that. Moreso i requested for an identification from you,i only recieved a membership card of a club ,but i did not complain because of the confidence i have already built in you,but on the contrary you refuse to reciprocate my trust.
As regards my vacation ,i sent you a mail to be precise on tuesday 23rd of december,only for you to tell me that i never informed you.If i may ask you,why do you think i lied to you ?
lastly,if you cannot continue with the transaction let me know ASAP ,as this transaction is based on interest,i cannot compell you to assist and it may interest you to know that my client is just one of my numerous clients,so i cannot afford to take anymore insults from anybody.
Mishak wylie
Mishak goes on the defensive. He didn't like me bringing up the 'sanni Aruna' thing, once again using the 'transaction has its own ethics' line. I quite like angry Mishak, but I'd like to learn to love again. At least I tried my best...
From: Ian M Spanque
Dear Harry,
I do not feel I deserve the harsh tone of your last message, seeing as I have spent much of my personal time completing paperwork for your benefit.
However, I am eager to complete the business, so I hope we can put our personal differences aside for the benefit of your client.
I must, however, stipulate that my requirement for better photographs is an official measure entirely. It has nothing to do with me personally, for I totally trust your identity to be true. I am not calling you a liar, but you must understand that I have procedures to go through which cannot be negotiated. And I am afraid this photograph business is necessary. I have all the funds for my part freed and lined up for the transactions. I am just waiting for you to complete this.
I require a photograph of you holding up a sign saying 'ISPANQUE DAILY'. This must be done for our business relationship to continue.
Best wishes,
Ian M. Spanque
...but I never heard from him again. Shame.